Your Body is Resilient.
Yoga for People Healing from Cancer
A Personalized Approach to Yoga
My work with people healing from cancer is tailored to each person’s unique needs and concerns. We consider your previous body history, limitations due to surgery, chemo and radiation treatments and overall energy level. Together, we'll discuss your goals: what you would like to focus on in your yoga practice and throughout your overall cancer treatment. I recognize that your needs will change though out your treatment. We will creatively adapt your practice to support you through those changes. I also offer flexibility in my schedule so I can accommodate changes in your treatment plan.
I work closely with people who are at the end of their lives and with people who are continuing to stay healthy in stage 4 when cancer has metastasized to other parts of their bodies. I also work with people who are in remission after cancer treatment, helping them live fully.
I offer my work to support healing and as an invitation to
live as fully as possible with pain and loss.
Utilizing the fundamental tools of a balanced yoga practice- movement, breath work, and meditation- we can ease physical discomfort and find greater peace and agency through your journey.
Want to learn more about the benefits of yoga practice while healing from cancer?
Experience & Expertise
I trained at Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine in Yoga of Awareness for Cancer, a research-based framework for adapting yoga practices to varied and specific needs of people at any stage of cancer including recovery and end of life.
Types of cancer I have worked with:
Breast (stage 4, bone metastasis, double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery)
Endometrial (stage 4, bone metastasis, brain metastasis)