Your body is resilient. Your mind is adaptable.

Incorporating Yoga into Your Life Brings the Following Benefits:

  • Improve gait & functional range of motion

  • Reduce fear of falling

  • Strengthen effected side and regain strength and mobility

  • Improve neural connections

  • Cultivate resilience and reduce anxiety

  • Increase breath and body awareness

  • Integrate your PT and OT into your movement practice

Yoga is Adaptable, So Are You.


Yoga is beneficial at all stages of stroke recovery

A Personalized Approach to Yoga     


Utilizing the fundamental tools of a balanced yoga practice- movement, breath work, and meditation- we can ease physical discomfort and find greater peace and agency through your journey.


Want to learn more about the benefits of yoga practice?



I trained with Terry Roth Schaff in Adaptive Yoga for seniors and people with neurological disorders. Terry Roth Schaff is a medical yoga therapist who, in collaboration with Dr. Loren Fishman, has developed an effective and practical approach to adapting yoga practice for muscular-skeletal and cognitive challenges.

I have worked one-on-one with students during both their initial rehabilitation from stroke and as ongoing therapy to maintain strength, mobility, and neural engagement. I often integrate recommendations from client PT’s and OT’s into individual yoga practice.


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